Our Services

Our Services at Vistara Counselling

At Vistara Counselling, we offer a comprehensive range of counselling services, all designed to guide individuals and groups on their unique paths of self-exploration and growth. Leveraging our expertise and a strong belief in the transformative power of therapy, we are committed to fostering self-awareness and empowering clients to embrace their inherent potential.

Areas of Focus

At Vistara Counselling, we offer specialized counselling services tailored to your unique needs. Our services include areas of focus such as:

Bicultural Stress Support

Bicultural Stress Support

Navigating the nuances of multiple cultures can sometimes be stressful. We offer a supportive space for exploring these experiences, helping you find balance and acceptance in your multicultural journey.

Self-confidence & Self-identity

Self-confidence & Self-identity

Cultivating a healthy sense of self is integral to overall well-being. We're here to guide you through self-exploration and self-understanding, empowering you to embrace your unique identity and build confidence.

Loss & Grief

Loss & Grief

Dealing with loss can be one of life's most difficult experiences. We provide a nurturing environment where you can express and process your grief, helping you navigate this challenging time with grace and resilience.



Whether you're experiencing communication difficulties, conflict, or other relationship challenges, we offer a safe space for exploration and growth, guiding you towards improved connection and understanding.



Addiction can be a complex condition that can make us feel lonely, uncharacteristic, and hopeless. We use an empathetic and non-judgemental approach to help you understand the underlying causes and equip you with the skills needed to build a healthier life. We...



For those living with PTSD, we offer a safe and understanding environment where you can learn to navigate triggers, process traumatic experiences, and foster resilience.



Trauma encompasses distressing single events as well as prolonged and repetitive experiences, including neglect and abuse, that shape our perception and response. It is our subjective experience of these events that defines trauma and its impact on our mental and...



Depression is marked by persistent sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest, impacting thoughts, emotions, and daily life. Together, we'll delve into its roots, promoting resilience and positive change using evidence-based approaches. You're not alone in this...



Anxiety is a complex emotional experience characterized by persistent feelings of unease, worry, and apprehension. It can manifest in physical symptoms and interfere with daily functioning. With support and appropriate treatment approaches like therapy, individuals...

Young girl contacting Vistara counselling in BC for a helping hand.

Individual Counselling

Our individual counselling sessions are tailored to help you navigate your unique journey towards self-understanding, resilience, and growth. We create a safe, non-judgmental space where you can freely express your feelings, explore life’s complexities, and cultivate self-compassion.

Couples Counselling

We provide couples with a supportive environment to deepen their bonds, navigate relationship difficulties, and work on shared goals. Our focus is on fostering open communication, trust-building, and conflict resolution to strengthen your relationship.

A husband explaining his side of the story to couples counsellor

Hear from

0ur Clients

Headshot of therapy client M.K


“Vandana, it has been an honour having you as my therapist. You are such a kind and safe person to reach. I will never forget your help and your support. You were one of the main reasons that helped me become who I am today. I am really thankful that I have met you.”

R.K along the beach front with her two young children.


“Thank you so much. You have helped me grow. Because of your help, I have been very confident and have been overcoming my fears. Your strategies have helped me a lot. You were very patient with me.”

Our Pricing

  • Services
  • 15-min Consultation
  • Individual Counselling
  • Group Counselling
  • Couples Counselling
  • In-person
  • Free
  • $150 for 60min
  • $200 for 90min
  • $65 for 60min
  • $200 for 90min
  • Virtual
  • Free
  • $120 for 60min
  • $180 for 90min
  • $50 for 60min
  • $180 for 90min
  • Sliding scale offered.
  • Major credit cards and e-transfer accepted.
  • Direct billing to insurance is not provided but a receipt with RCC# will be attached.
  • ICBC client friendly.

Start Your Journey with Vistara Counselling

We’re here to guide you on your unique journey. If you have questions about our services please don’t hesitate to reach out. Fill in the form below or schedule your free consultation here.

Let’s connect!

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Here’s how you can reach us:


Langley Location:

#321 – 9440 202 Street, Langley, BC, V1M 4A6

Vancouver Location:

#300 – 3665 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC, V5R 5W2

Operating Hours

Monday – Friday     :     9am – 8pm

Weekend     :    Availability upon request