About Us

Our Values

At the heart of our approach and ethos lies our deeply ingrained values. These core principles not only guide our practice, but they also embody our commitment to providing high-quality, client-centered counselling. They capture the essence of who we are and what we stand for. We invite you to explore each value below, and see how they resonate with you and your own journey towards healing and personal growth.

Hands shaking


We believe that great things can be achieved when we work together. Collaboration fosters creativity, growth, and the exchange of ideas, allowing us to provide the best possible service to our clients.

cartoon image of earth expanding outwards


We are committed to continual learning and growth as individuals and a team. This value reflects our dedication to challenging self-limiting beliefs, fostering innovation, and remaining adaptable in an ever-changing world.

Magnifying glass and the idea found though looking inward.


We encourage exploration as a means of self-discovery and understanding. Our team is passionate about supporting our clients as they navigate through their personal journeys, empowering them to uncover new perspectives and insights.



Authenticity lies at the heart of our practice. We aim to create an environment where everyone can be their true selves. We value honesty, transparency, and authenticity in our interactions, both with clients and with each other.

Giving yourself permission to grow


We believe in giving ourselves and others permission to feel, express, and be. This value underscores our commitment to fostering a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental space where everyone can freely share and process their experiences.

Hands raising in the air


Our goal is to empower every individual we work with. By providing the necessary tools, support, and understanding, we strive to inspire our clients to take charge of their lives, believe in their abilities, and make the changes they desire.

What does “Vistara” mean?

Vistara Counselling, a sanctuary inspired by the Sanskrit word “Vistara”, meaning “expansion,” is dedicated to personal growth, self-discovery, healing, understanding, and change. We firmly believe in the transformative power of expansion, manifested in broadening perspectives and embracing inherent potential. Our therapeutic approach resonates deeply with this conviction, encouraging you to take up space unapologetically.

Vandana is sitting on a park bench before a counselling session.

Meet Registered Clinical Counsellor: Vandana Kumra

Meet Vandana Kumra, our founder and a Registered Clinical Counsellor. Born and raised on the West Coast with roots in India, she brings a wealth of multicultural experiences to her practice, drawing on the diversity of her heritage to inform her counselling approach. Fluent in English, Punjabi, and Hindi, she aims to make counselling accessible, approachable, and inclusive for all.

Vandana started her academic journey in Kinesiology, earning a bachelor’s degree in the field. However, a life-changing experience working with survivors of human trafficking awakened her true passion: mental health. This led her to pursue a master’s degree in counselling psychology and fuelled her commitment to supporting individuals through their personal journeys.

Outside the counselling room, you can find Vandana jotting down fresh ideas, enjoying a workout at the gym, or embracing the tranquillity of a quiet beach. She’s an unashamed psychology geek with a fondness for the music of J Cole and a firm believer in transcending limitations to unlock one’s potential at every stage of life. Her personal experiences underscore the significance of support during challenging times, and she is committed to providing that same steadfast support to her clients.

Vandana leads our team with a genuine presence, unwavering support, and deep devotion to guiding individuals on their unique journeys. Through her commitment to making counselling approachable and inclusive, she ensures every individual is seen, heard, and cared for.

Our Services

Vistara Counselling provides a range of services including individual, couples, and group counselling. We offer in-person sessions at two convenient locations in Langley and Vancouver, as well as online sessions. Our areas of focus include but are not limited to anxiety, depression, PTSD, personality disorders, trauma, addictions, relationships, bicultural stress, loss & grief, and self-confidence & self-identity.

Contact Us

At Vistara Counselling, we’re always ready to listen and help. Whether you have questions about our services, need more information, or are ready to embark on your journey of personal growth and transformation, our team is here to support you.

Let’s connect!

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Here’s how you can reach us:


Langley Location:

#321 – 9440 202 Street, Langley, BC, V1M 4A6

Vancouver Location:

#300 – 3665 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC, V5R 5W2

Operating Hours

Monday – Friday    :     9am – 8pm

Weekend     :    Availability upon request